Johnny Bey and the Mizzenglass World

Johnny Bey is a kid who likes to fix things. Mostly he wants to fix his family after his 13-year-old brother, Brendan, goes missing. In this book for kids ten and up, Johnny enters a magic realm to try to bring his brother home. Playing a dangerous, high-stakes game, he confronts ancient beasts brought back to life and a ghostly brother who won’t play by the rules.

In this book for kids ten and up, Johnny Bey is on a lonely quest. He’s trying to find his brother, even though Brendan has been missing for longer than anyone in the family cares to remember

One sunny day, Johnny finds in Brendan in an abandoned quarry. The problem is, his brother has become see-through. Transparent. And he’s still 13 years old, the age he was when he disappeared two years before.

Johnny is shocked and scared, and he has no idea what to do. But when Brendan leads him into the magic world of Mizzenglass, Johnny encounters more possibilities than he could ever have imagined.

Mizzenglass is the land where missing children go. When he and Brendan arrive, Johnny finds a magic country filled with children—and a zoo’s worth of extinct creatures brought back to life. It’s all so incredible, Johnny figures he might even be able to get his brother home.

But how?

Following a trail of clues, Johnny finds the Sentinel, who guards the children of Mizzenglass. She reveals that if he wants to take Brendan home, Johnny needs to form a Company of Seven. Together, they have to leave her protection to make a long and dangerous journey, searching for a magic portal into the real world.

Johnny soon finds five other children desperate to leave, including Brendan’s best friend Claire. Together they shoulder their bravery to say goodbye to the Sentinel. Afterward, the Company faces an escalating level of peril, struggling through three levels of danger to find the promised portal. Battling them is an evil adversary: the Shadow, who does everything in his power to keep the Company from going home.

Can the kids work together to defeat the Shadow? Or will the Shadow defeat the Company, and send them flying back to Mizzenglass?

Johnny is special kid, and he has magic on his side. Yet adventure is hard, especially with a headstrong friend like Claire and a brother like Brendan who refuses to play by the rules—even if it means going home.